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CAD Guides

Here are's free guides associated with using AutoCAD®. Click on the card images to download the guides in PDF format.

Use your Mouse in AutoCAD®

Use your Mouse

Configure your mouse to maximise it's full potential in AutoCAD®. This guide shows you how to configure your mouse correctly and solve common problems.

AutoCAD® Shortcuts A to Z

Shortcuts A to Z

AutoCAD® shortcuts commands scheduled in a simple A to Z list. Useful resource if you are new to AutoCAD and a handy reminder for veterans.

AutoCAD® Command Shortcuts

Command Shortcuts

Similar to the AutoCAD® shortcuts A to Z guide only shortcuts are listed in command headings. For example, all text related commands are listed together.

AutoCAD® Linetype & Scale Settings

Linetype & Scale

Controlling linetype styles and linetype scale can be a confusing, this guide provides a quick tip on AutoCAD® linetype scale.

Using AutoCAD® Blocks

Using AutoCAD® Blocks

A collection of time saving tips for use with blocks, such as: substitute one block for another; rename a block; using tool palettes to organise blocks and more.



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