PC Guides
Here you will find homemicro.co.uk's computer related advice and tips.
Website Design
Website design tips that helped build homemicro.co.uk.
Colour Palette
Colour Palette collection used by homemicro.co.uk
Website Design Sources
Take a look at various resources that were used in the making of the homemicro.co.uk website
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Free CAD Blocks
Homemicro.co.uk's free CAD downloads to include AutoCAD® CAD blocks (named groups of objects), standard details and guides on using AutoCAD®
It's a Fact
Or perhaps just a Factoid
Visit our low & zero carbon (LZC) site area
Dimension - a single aspect of a given thing
Visit our site area dedicated to Computer Aided Design
Articles on Low & Zero Carbon (LZC) technologies: ASHP; GSHP; PV; Biomass; etc.
Articles on Computer Aided Design draughting. Free CAD Blocks in DWG file format.
Articles on building services to include heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC).